We offer a huge opportunity for growth



Nesar Infotech Placement Service implements online services for the jobseeker which helps to get recruited for the specific desired profile in the reputed companies by investing the less amount of time. Our recruitment process is design to keep the transperancy between the company's requirement and the candidates desired profile.

Subscribe for Pre-screening Service

  • One time and life time registration fees of Rs. 100/- is applicable for pre-screening your profile. (The registration is not transferable from one candidate to other)
  • Nesar Infotech conducts pre-screening interview of candidates according to the requirement specification from the clients or in general. The candidate should satisfy themselves with the terms and conditions of the job during interview to get further evaluated from clients.
  • Nesar Infotech only introduce the candidates to the employers and do not track further course of action. The employer's contacts the candidates directly, if shortlisted. Any query on short listing / appointment will not be entertained by Nesar Placement Services.
  • We give the top priority for 'Pre-screened' candidates for the interview schedules.

We are requested to the candidates to understand the recruitment process we are following and act as mentioned for better performance and best output. For further details/queries write to info@nesarinfotech.com

Wish you all the best for your better career.